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- How do I find my Sweet Spot?April 4, 2023
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- How do I find my Sweet Spot?
My heart is to serve and to add value, anytime I show up in any environment and this is not different here. There is this question that plagues us all, it comes in many shapes, forms, and sizes and the root is always the same, “ How can I do it All??” You’ve got all these things on your list; all the leadership, parenting, being a great spouse, managing work/life balance, cleaning the house, staying fit, etc. I HEAR YOU!! If you have ever felt the overwhelming of not knowing how to get all the things done, share this post because I am going to lay down some wisdom here!
Because guys, I know the pain of feeling like I’m exhausted because I’m pushing so hard and I’m so exhausted. I can’t get to sleep because my brain won’t turn off. I know the stress of the feeling responsible for everything: feeling like if I don’t do all the things I am going to let people down and things are going to fall through the cracks. And this there is this dissonance that happens between who I am and who I HAVE TO BE BECAUSE OF ALL THE THINGS:
I want to take care of people. I want to serve people. And I don’t want people to feel like they’re less than a man or that I am less than the man. I hate, I can’t tell you how much I hate when, because I’m carrying too much… I cannot do it all and that just doesn’t make me feel good on the inside.
Chances are, you know the stress, the anxiety, the overwhelming feelings. I don’t know if you are like me, but I like to journal and start writing it all out when I start to feel all these feelings. And I try to figure it out; how can I get it all done? Can I make a plan?
I’m going to give you three ways to respond in those moments. What can you do when you feel that overwhelmingness creeping in and what are some things that are going to take you down a few notches?
Change the question: Who not how is a completely different question, but it is how so many of us live our lives. We are conditioned to say: How am I going to get this all done? How am I going to do it all? How can I figure it out?
But when you change the question from how can I do it to WHO CAN DO IT FOR ME, or WHO CAN DO IT BETTER THAN ME or fulfills their purpose and destiny by doing this, because it annoys me and frustrates me. I am not good at it, but I feel like I have to figure out how to do it. AND I AM ASKING THE WRONG QUESTION.
Who not how has led our household to someone who can clean it for us a few times a week to assist with a little bit of the household. And they do an amazing job and it gives me more time to be with my family! Don’t get me wrong, we are still teaching our kids to clean up as well.
Who not how has given me peace of mind when it comes to some of the work my assistant does for me. I don’t have to worry about every little detail, it just gets done.
Who not how has allowed for my online presence to go to the next level with an amazing website manager, social media guru, and a camera crew that is on point.
Who not how has changed our lives in so many ways not just my business, I am talking about real life sustainable change!
So I fully recommend the book: Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy. It is a great audio book to listen to because it is very conversational between Dan and Benjamin. It will change. Your. Life. Could change your business. If you’re feeling in this spot right now that you’re overwhelmed. This book this year took things to the next level.
Learn from the wisdom of procrastination: there is wisdom in procrastination, sounds strange! But I learned it from this book! There are som things that you have been putting off for a pretty long time, knowing in the back of you mind… it needs to get done and you’re probably saying, “I NEED TO GET IT DONE… “
Is it the accounting, is it the budget, is it paying the bills, is it getting in shape, is it eating better? I don’t know what it is for you, but we all have these things! And we all are so good at coming up with excuses to put it on the back burner! BUT THERE IS WISDOM… ask yourself who can? Who can help you with accounting: Bookkeeping, who can help you with the budget: Financial Advisor (which they could also ensure that things are being paid on time), Who can help you get into shape or eat better: maybe a trainer or a nutritionist. There are people out there who are pros in areas that you are procrastinating in… because we are not good at it and for that matter you shouldn’t be doing it or making yourself want to do it.
I am not supposed to ask HOW, I am supposed to ask WHO CAN DO IT FOR ME? It goes back to reframing the question. Now I am going to ask you four questions:
There is another book recommendation for you: The One Thing by Gary Keller. It also makes you really think about the tasks you have to do and what task is going to make the biggest impact!! What can you do like a “John Maxwell”? Do only what you can do the best and have somebody else do the rest! You might need some help or some coaching, but seriously… when you look at the tasks you can really free up the space to do the things that you are best at… so you don’t like accounting, find that person by name that finds numbers and budgets fulfilling, maybe her name is Susie.
A great example of this is one of my clients finally hired a personal assistant, he had been putting it off. He hired someone in the Philippines and is paying them $6 an hour. Some of you are probably thinking, I can’t believe he’s only paying $6 an hour, but his new employee just sent him a message and said, Oh my gosh, I’m so grateful for you. I’m learning so much. I’m enjoying it. She’s crushing the work that he’s has been avoiding and hated for years. He’s delayed this hire and he hired her and it’s a win for her. It’s a win for him. There is synergy. When you find the right who’s, it changes everything.
I’m going to tell you the more help you get in this process, the quicker you can go, because other people are going to the who’s that you don’t see. And so there you go, change the question, and then ask these four questions! Know WHO and check into the wisdom of procrastination! You know what you need to do.
I love you people. I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve you. This is where you go out there and give your greatness to the world!! Because somebody needs what is on the inside of you (you might be someone’s who)! Don’t hold it back, go out there and give it away. Hey, follow me on social media to guys, because I love adding value on Instagram, youtube, and Facebook!!
Listen, if you’ve got a question that you’re like, man, I’d love to hear Mark’s take on this, drop it in the comments below and I’ll see if I can do a future live to answer your question!!