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- How do I find my Sweet Spot?April 4, 2023
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- How do I find my Sweet Spot?
First of all, full disclaimer: I am not a health and fitness expert. Infact, I am far from where I would like to be in full, absolute transparency. I’ve got about 10-15 pounds I would like to drop now and tone up a little bit more. I am not where I want to be. My diet is not perfect, but I can tell you this… for a long time, I was an expert in self-sabotaging my own health and fitness. I think I can help you a little bit here. I might be just a step or two ahead of a few of you, but just to offer a little bit of help on this question: How do you make time to make your health and fitness a priority?
In the midst of chaos and business of life? Actually, flip that question: I did a video not too long ago and we talked about “Who not How.”
First, you need to ask “why?” and stop asking “how.” Great question to start with is, “Why am I self-sabotaging?” and go from there, “How am I making a mess of this, why do I keep making excuses? Why do I start and then stop? Why do I keep eating junk food? So, why do I keep self-sabotaging?
You can’t just ask that question once, because the first time you’re going to lie to yourself and truthfully the second time you’re going to lie to yourself, again. I would suggest you go deeper; Dean Graziosi has this amazing exercise. And I’ve heard a bunch of people talk about this, but I think Dean’s the originator of it: Seven Levels Deep. It is about asking the same question over and over.
Why do I self-sabotage?
Because I don’t have time.
Why do I self- sabotage?
Because I don’t have the space.
And you keep asking; going deeper and deeper.
What is the “why” that makes my Fitness and Health not Optional?
What is the “why” that makes health and fitness 100% a requirement. Because if you can answer that, then you probably have the power to do exactly what you want to do. You will take your power and create the life that you want. When I was doing a bit of that work, I found a couple of things. I found the reason I was self-sabotaging and I wasn’t getting into the gym. It took getting into the deep work and realizing my limiting belief of just being average. There’s a whole backstory to that; I won’t bore you with the details, but I had to redefine my identity in regards to health and fitness.
And so I redefined it as I am maximizing my fitness… what was it? I am maximizing my fitness and health to fulfill my destiny. You have got to do some work to find your WHY.
Find the “Who” that knows how better than you… just sitting over there on the couch eating chips… why the heck are you still looking at yourself for the answers. You don’t even know. If you knew how to do it, you would have done it already. So stop asking, HOW CAN I GET HEALTHY… instead ask, HOW CAN I GET FIT AND FIND A “WHO” THAT KNOWS HOW BETTER THAN I DO? Basically, stop trying to figure it out on your own.
Also, I am certain that you have heard, Proximity is Power. Find some people that are where you want to be and get around them. When I was going through some self-sabotaging, a friend of mine said, “Mark, you need to just get into the room with fitness,” and they were right! And when you get in there with the fitness people, it starts to rub off on you. It makes you want to go further and work harder. That’s where you want to be.
Think about who is going to make you better. And you need people that will call you out on your crap excuses. The people who are going to make you do it now, who at the core believes that you need to make an investment in yourself.
If you need to get into a mastermind, buy in and get in a mastermind. If you need to join a membership community about health and fitness, buy it. If you need to hire a coach… do it. These are all things I have done in my life, because when I tried isolation it didn’t work.
When you find the right “Who”… you will know; they will make sure you put some skin in the game because if it costs you something to be fat, you might not be fat anymore. If it costs you something to do those bad habits, you might not do it as long because some of you care more about your pocket books than you do your waistline. What if you could find the power of the two and make an investment in yourself.
I mean come on now, you’ve got all the time! You need to do the things that are most important to you. Stop wondering if you;re going to do it and schedule it. PUT IT ON The CALENDAR, RIGHT NOW!
Currently I work out three times a week with a trainer and it’s in my calendar. And if I don’t show up, I pay him because it cost me something. So make sure you got some skin in the game… Put it on your calendar.
I used to do Orange Theory Fitness for a while, quite a few years actually. It was amazing. One of the accountability strategies they had was if you scheduled a class and you missed that class… you had to pay $12 on top of paying the monthly membership. WHY? Because they know and understand the principle: You have got to have some skin in the game and sometimes that is you $$$, am I right?
So put it on the calendar. You get one life, you get one body. I think it’s probably a pretty big priority for us to take care of that because there is greatness on the inside of you that the world needs. So take care of you!
So maybe you are thinking you need to hire a fitness instructor, do it… and maybe you need a peer group, because proximity is power. I might be able to help you out with that. I got these things called masterminds and I have got people from all over the world and while fitness and working out is not the main focus… we are focused on becoming the best version of ourselves in every single area of our lives.
So if you need some of that, get on a call with me and let’s hear your story, your goals, and help you to fulfil your destiny. Now go out there and give your greatness to the world because somebody needs what’s on the inside of you. Don’t hold back, go out there and give it away!! Have a great day!