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- How do I find my Sweet Spot?
Are you ready to get a little bit better? Scarcity mindset. Scarcity, even poverty, mindset versus abundance mindset’ how do we break free from that mindset? I’ll be honest with you, I’m a work in progress.
I had lunch with a friend, recently and he was talking about this scarcity/abundance paradox. If you’re in scarcity and then you shift and you can get to a place of abundance. And abundance creates more scarcity: time, resources, and energy. So, it is like a paradox… and you go back and forth.
I’m talking about right now, how do you break free from that mindset that feels like there’s never enough? I can never make that amount of money. I’ve only made this and I’ve only been able to make this amount. I have got to be happy with what I have. I’ll just have to make due with what I have. How do you break free from that scarcity? That thought: if you have more, I have less, all of that is that scarcity mindset. Some people, you grew up with not much, or you grew up with just enough, and you’ve been conditioned to believe that if you want more, you’re greedy. Or you’re selfish?
And so the thought is that you should be content with having enough. And some of you have issues around money that, like money, is evil. You think money is the root of evil. Truth is the love of money is the root of evil? Some of you have so much baggage. So how do you break free? How do you shift from a scarcity mindset to abundance mindset?
Let me give you four points that could be instrumental that have shifted my life.
I know it is easier said than done, but if you don’t change your thinking, you are never going to change what is in your bank account. If you’re not a millionaire in your mind, you’re never going to have a million dollars in your bank account or a million dollars of revenue in your company. It begins with your thinking.
Suggested Reading:
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by Eker, T.
Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Gaziosi
You Are A Badass At Making Money Master The Mindset By Jen Sincero
You’ve got to begin to shift your thinking. When I began to read some books, I began to listen to some people talk about this… and I thought Oh, my goodness, look, there is abundance right there! I began to recondition my mind around this whole idea of scarcity and abundance. I began to lean in and to firmly believe that abundance is what I’m supposed to have; that abundance is how the world, the universe is set up. With that change of mindset, all of a sudden I started experiencing more abundance in my life.
There are a lot of ways to change this mindset, I mentioned reading books, but there are also daily affirmations, listening to audiobooks and podcasts, and going to events. You have to do what is necessary to begin to shift your thinking.
Proximity is power. There are some people in your life that are holding you back from making more money, because they are “scarcity”. They are complainers, they are negative, and you need to level up your association. Tony Robbinssays, “Your life will be the direct reflection of the expectation of your peer group.” Your life will reflect your peer group: it will reflect them in your health, it will affect them in your career, it’ll reflect them in your drivenness, it will reflect in your income. So if you are hanging around people that are on a level that you have been sitting at comfortably, you need to level up. I am not saying you throw them by the wayside, but what I am saying is you have to shift your associations if you want to break free from the scarcity mindset.
You have got to put yourself in some environments that make you feel abundance. Places that make you look around and you think, wow, there’s more than enough here. There’s nobody in this room saying there’s not enough for me because you got something so there’s not enough for me. There’s more than enough to be abundant. And so you need to put yourself in some of these environments.
I was talking with someone the other day on Facebook live and she said, I’m gonna go drive through the neighborhood, that nice neighborhood. I told her, “Girl, buy your lunch and go park in that neighborhood and just eat your lunch and look around. Like you belong there.”
A great little hack, if you’re going to travel, use Turo, it’s the Airbnb of cars. Rent yourself a nice sports car or some luxury SUV. I just rented a land Rover Discovery; It was nice. Rent a nice car and let yourself feel abundant. Rent that nice Airbnb. You might only be able to do it for half a day, but do it anyways. Book a room at a nice hotel for one night. You can’t afford that? Go have coffee in the lobby of the Ritz Carlton? Go get dessert at the nicest restaurant in town, you don’t even have to afford the meal, but put yourself in some environments that make you begin to feel, and as you look around and see, abundance. When you start to get around abundance, it starts to get in you. And all of a sudden things start to shift.
When you start thinking about abundance and you start associating with people that are more abundant; you start putting yourself in an environment that has more abundance, then all of a sudden you start to realize that scarcity is a lie. It’s a lie. There is more than enough for you to be successful, me to be successful, for us both to impact millions of people. There’s more than enough. In fact, there’s not just more than enough; you have a responsibility to step up into that abundance to fulfill your destiny.
Begin to dream bigger. Begin to say things out loud about how much money you’re going to make, about the car you’re going to drive, create that vision and dream board. Create the board that shows this is what I’m going toaccomplish. This is what I’m going to do, the people I’m going to impact, this is the orphanage I’m going to build, the hospital I’m going to support. Begin to enlarge your dreams and document it, write it down, put it on a board, have a conversation with someone.
One of my favorite things to do with my wife is to dream. In fact, she was one of the first people that really started to teach me about dreaming bigger because she is a pro. Now, I just have to keep enlarging the business in time to keep up with her dreams, which is a good challenge; and I’m up for it. So enlarge your dreams. Talk about them, write themdown, do the research.
While I was on sabbatical not long ago, I was researching because there was a private airstrip in the place I was visiting… and not a regular airstrip. So I thought, well, what’s it cost to get a private jet? And then I researched to find out how much it costs to buy a jet and maintain a jet. At what level do I just rent a charter private jet? What level do I buy a jet? Does that make sense? Enlarge your dreams, people. And don’t be ashamed of them, because you can have it all.
In fact, you can make a greater impact. The more money you have, the more people you can help. The more successful you are, the more you can impact lives. Because I believe if you’re connected with me, your heart is not selfish and not greedy. Your heart is to make a difference in the world. And that’s why we’re hanging out together. Apply some of these principles and go out there and give your greatness to the world. Because somebody needs what’s on the inside of you. Go out there and give it away. I love you, people. Have a great day.