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- How do I find my Sweet Spot?
This last week I had a one-on-one call with an elite client and we know each other really well… but somehow the conversation came around to him asking, “Mark, where do you find truth?”
WOOOOOAH! That’s not a tiny question!
But he was asking because there was someone in his life he knows very well… and they said some things that they thought were true and he knew that were not so true. And he loves the people, they are people who he would describe as having integrity, but they were going around saying untruths like they were true. This whole experience led to, “I want to trust people, I want to connect with people but where do I find truth?”
Well, first you have to be careful to look for the truth in places where it shouldn’t be. There should be a small list popping into your head right about — tabloids, social media… Oh My Goodness, Don’t. Do. That. And like if you are paying for someone, they know you’re the boss… don’t go looking for the truth from someone that is on your payroll. Because they are on your payroll, there is a chance they will say what you want to hear. Don’t get me wrong, you can be a great leader to build a relationship with trust, but don’t go looking for the truth where it can’t be found.
Sometimes we go looking for the truth and well-intentioned people, people that we love; like family… they can’t always tell you the truth because they love you so much. Love sees more, not less, but because it sees more, it’s willing to see more. Love sees more: all the works, all the beauty, all the greatness, and all the faults, all the failures love is willing to see less. That means those that love you can’t see the truth as it really is.
I mean, you’ve got to look for truth in places where there’s no skin in the game for truth to come back to you. When it comes to relationships, you have to have some honest, deep, authentic relationships where you know: the good, the bad, and the ugly. And there is zero agenda, except for you wanting the best for each other.
I just had lunch not too long ago with a dear friend and I was meeting his girlfriend for the first time. She said something later on during lunch that really embodies that all. I met this friend on one of our kid’s field trips; a lifelong adult friendship. This is the guy that when he couldn’t pay his bills… I was paying them and when I couldn’t pay mine. And the thing is, nobody needed to pay anybody back. She said it was really cool to see how easy your relationship is, there’s no pretense. He doesn’t need anything from me and I don’t need anything from him. And yet we would both lay down our lives for each other because that’s our friendship.
If you’re going to look for the truth, go and look for the truth from someone who doesn’t need anything from you; someone that can be so honest and true and authentic, they’re not worried about the truth hurting the relationship.
When it comes to looking for truth, everything shakes in this world; the news, social media, the economy, politics, racism, oppression and all that. So where are the ones you go to for truth? For me, I’m a Christian, I love Jesus a whole lot and there is an uncertain Truth to me that there’s a God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus is my savior. The Word of God, I believe it is True. ALL. OF. IT. I love the Bible. And because it sets me free… the Bible says, “When you know the truth, the truth will make you free.” I’ve found my source for the unshakable Truth that when everything else shakes, the Word of God will not be shaken. When everything else shakes my faith in God, my Truth will not be shaken. Now, that’s not to say that there won’t be times we go through that way of shaking… but if we grab hold of the right thing… find our firm footing….
And we’ve been there… Shaken… when we had two miscarriages, it shook my wife’s faith, and mine to the core. Because when you believe in your belief and you;re having faith and you’re quoting scripture and you’re praying prayers, doing all the stuff… That’s Hard. It shook us, but the Word of God and we remained in the truth.
Now, I understand some of you may go a different path than me. I’m very convicted and I know what I believe. I know in whom I believe and I know what makes me, but I’m going to tell you, if you don’t have something to grab hold of, I’d recommend Jesus. He’s pretty unshakable, stood the test of time and you should find something that this world cannot shake.
I love Jesus, but you know what? I love you, no matter what you believe. If you believe a different truth than I believe that doesn’t hinder me from being in a relationship with you. It doesn’t hinder me from celebrating you. It doesn’t hinder me from adding value to your life. Because you know what the greatest truth is, right? Love WINS! If we can agree on love and let love lead us into more and more truth I think we are more in alignment than somebody would realize. I hope this helps you! Where can you find truth? Don’t go looking for it in the wrong places. Listen to those kinds of friends that I described are like a gift; you might only have a few of them in your life. Some of you might only have one, so value and cherish those friends that can speak truth and love. And then lastly, just find a source that this world can’t shake what is true in you. I think when you lean into it and you lean into love I think I know where it is going to lead you. I am not trying to impose on you.
And if I can help you find a little bit more truth, we’re all going to make the world a better place. I hope that you are committed to that journey. Because there is greatness on the inside of you… so go out there and give your greatness to the world because somebody needs what’s on the inside of you! Love you guys and have a great day!