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- How do I find my Sweet Spot?April 4, 2023
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- How do I find my Sweet Spot?
When I look back, I realize I have been doing these blogs for over a year now and I still get excited to sit down and type out my passions and life’s work. I love to just get information in front of you and serve you and add value to your lives. I really do hope this encourages you today! Today’s question is one that is often asked and everyone at some point or another has asked this question: WHY DON’T I HAVE MORE MONEY?
Some of you might articulate it a little bit more often. Everyone would like to have more money and honestly it isn’t a greedy thing. The love of money is the root of all evil, money is not evil but if it displaced more important things (like for me, God or Jesus Christ as my savior. And guess what, even as a Christian, I still like more money. You know why? Because more money enables me to do more good. More money enables me to impact more people, to serve more people, to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
I have a dear friend who is in a mastermind with me and I’m going to have dinner with him this weekend and he has basically adopted this impoverished area of the Philippines. In this area, they are still having issues with dysentery and because he had the resources, he was able to create an entire supply chain to bring supplies to that area and get rid of the dysentery in a section of the island. And since then he has built homes, schools, and hospitals. ALL BECAUSE HE HAS THE RESOURCES And now he is leveraging other people in his network because of relationships. I want to be like that even more than I am, that’s why I want more money. God said that He wants me to be able to be generous on every occasion.
I know most of the people reading this, they don’t want to be greedy. You don’t want to be greedy. You don’t want it for the houses, cars, vacations and all that stuff’s cool and fun but that’s not what matters the most. I am leveraging my life for God’s glory. And my “why” is to contribute and make this world a better place. Some of you might have a slightly different frame of “why” and that’s fine, but let’s make this world a better place. And with more resources, the more we can do which brings me back to the question: WHY DON’T I HAVE MORE MONEY?
Some of this I am sharing with you came recently from a conference I attended. It is good life changing stuff! Truthfully, I cannot remember who the speaker was that shared it but he talked about two money skills that I am going to talk about and give a little commentary. Hopefully this adds some value, but the biggest reason that you don’t have more money is because you have not mastered one of these two skills and maybe you have not mastered either one, but if you want to create more money, you’ll need these two skills.
That is your store of money. This is your treasure chest, your wealth skills keep you safe and secure. Building wealth is what enables you to sleep at night like a baby, but you’ve got to develop skills to make your money grow.So it is not about just getting it but how to make it grow which leads us to the second skill which is…
Income is your flow of money and that only comes from two sources: Your job or it comes from your business. And you have got to have a flow of money coming into your life.
Wealth skills, that’s building it… that’s where the investment stuff comes from, right? That is where your money is working for you, but when it comes to income, creating income, we’re talking about your business or job that is going to create that for you. These are two very different skills: making money and growing money. That’s what creates. You can’t just do one or the other.
And here’s a little misnomer: PEOPLE think you have got to have a whole lot of income before you can create wealth!?!
You can actually create wealth if you are intelligent and you use money wisely, you don’t need a massive income to create a massive amount of wealth. It will take you a little bit longer, but you can still create massive wealth without a massive level of income.
And there’s different stages of your life where you’re going to navigate and be more focused on income skills and there are times when you will be more focused on wealth skills. It doesn’t really matter but you have got to master both. Some questions for you to consider in regards to income skills: if you have income and it is through your job only, is it possible there might be another stream of income that could come from a business? I’m putting it out there… Dale Partridge said something I will never forget and it marked me and set me on a new path. He’s a personal development guy and really knows what he is talking about and he said, “If you want to get out of debt, start a business.” And I didn’t even know… like starting a business… I thought if you were in debt you ate ramen noodles and delivered pizzas in your spare time. And when you think about it, if you are only getting your income through a job… you can only get raises when they give them, but a business can grow exponentially.
I’m not against having a job. I’ve had one for most of my life, but my business is what created my exponential growth. My business just crossed over a million dollars in revenue the last five years. And if you would have asked me about that six years ago, I would have not even thought that was in the realm of possibility. Just. Five. Years. Into my business and being able to cross that milestone is mindblowing to me. And my job was never going to provide that for me necessarily and I love that job. I’m grateful for that, but I’m just asking the question… if you want to build wealth, is it possible there might be some kind of business venture that would lead you to an exponential increase?
Wealth Skills… are you investing? Are you making your money grow? Even if it is baby steps, you have to be willing to take some steps. I’m not an investment strategist, so I am not going into specifics on this but whatever you are doing if you haven’t taken steps to make your money grow… TAKE SOME STEPS. Start with the easy ones; your job matches you with a 401K or whatever it is, take that step and do not pass that up. Invest in an IRA or invest in the stock market or real estate or other businesses. There are ample opportunities to get your money to work for you!
Has anyone ever heard about crypto? Crypto currency, bitcoin? I’ve had some friends make a whole lot of money in that area. I’m not about get-rich-quick schemes or anything of those things, but here’s something I have learned when you hang around wealthy people and you listen to what they’re talking about. Eventually you start to think and you start to learn… and you dip your toes into some of the opportunities to grow. You have conversations, always be a student of wealth and income skills! Those skills will keep growing and will not go away.
Why don’t YOU have more money? It is because you need to grow in your income skills and your wealth skills. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Some think about it, which one of those skills do you need to focus on? Maybe you are thinking today you would like to start a business after reading this today! So I encourage you to grow these skills and go out there and give your greatness to the world because somebody needs what is on the inside of you! Go out there and give it away! Don’t hold back, I love you guys!