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- How do I find my Sweet Spot?
Today, I have got an important message for you! I lead masterminds, I am a coach that leads masterminds, I have a team that leads masterminds and I help get people into masterminds so that their lives can be changed. As you can imagine I get a lot of questions that are like this…
What’s the BIG DEAL about Masterminds?
What is it anyways?
What is a Mastermind?
And typically that stems from two things:
Masterminds have the power to create sustainable change and momentum in your life. Think if you desire sustainable deep transformation in your life and you want to have sustainable momentum… BOOM! You can get there and go farther and faster with the right people around you! So that’s what masterminds do. They’re the solution.
There’s all kinds of challenges out there; you can do a seven day challenge for that; a two week this, a 21 day challenge for that, and a 30 day challenge for this. I have framed masterminds as the anti-challenge. Masterminds are for the long game. We’re not trying to do something quick here. We’re trying to make something sustainable, strong, like a firm foundation. A foundation that is unshakable when the hurricane winds come. Something that is like a rock able to withstand the pounding of water, the winds blowing, and anything else that might come because you are committed to sustainable growth.
What’s the big deal about a mastermind? Here are four points that cover the idea of the mastermind.
It’s not just a word. There’s actually like a concept behind that word “mastermind”. Because when my mind comes together with this guy’s mind and this other gal’s mind, and a few other minds… and together we create a BIGGER MIND… that is greater than the sum of parts. It creates better ideas, it solves problems better, it increases clarity… This mastermind does so many things BETTER! It has a clearer vision… when you can’t see your blind spots… IT CAN!
It’s the collective mind of a group of people who are like me, who are heading in a similar direction. Not that we all have to be doing the same thing, but there we know there’s greatness on the inside of us and we’re pursuing that. And we want to impact the world and get together with a group of people that believe their contribution to this world is how they really leave a mark. You get together with some people like that in greatness, wanting to leave a contribution and the mind that is produced, that collective is stronger, wiser, better than any of us individuals could be on our own. So what’s the big deal about a mastermind? There’s something more powerful than an individual. It’s the mastermind.
One of my favorite quotes of all time from Tony Robbins.
That’s what Tony Robbins taught me. Proximity is power (I’ve added to that statement is proximity is power and it is time for you to take it back!). Like some of you, you know, this idea that proximity is power, but you’re not doing anything about it. And if who you surround yourself with is who you will become, your life will be the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Your life will be a direct reflection of the expectation of your peer group. That’s another Tony Robbins quote because he taught me a whole lot, a lot about this, but you can know that, but if you don’t take it back your power and puts yourself in an environment where you can go further, faster together with these like minded people, you’re not going to have that power in your life.
It has potential. It’s there, but you’ve got to take it back. You’ve got to tap into it. And so when you get around the right kind of people, your life begins to elevate to their level. You get around people with a low level of thinking, your life will degrade down to their level. So if you listen, you can test it. It works in any area of your life, whether your health, your mindset, your business, your income, if you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with, right? For example, if you’re around a bunch of overweight out of shape, people… most likely that will be reflective in your life. I am not judging, but I am just saying… If you look around are the five people you spend the most time with, or that have the most influence in your life, what do they look like? If you’re out of shape and overweight, then look at the people around you. I bet you, they’re looking kind of similar to that.
Proximity is power is reflective in your income, look at the people around you, look at their mindset, the strength of the mindset. Look at the people around you. And I don’t have to convince you because you can prove it by your own life. Proximity is power and it is time for you to take it back.
You will be known. They will care about you. They will know your name. Now, there’s a bunch of different versions of a mastermind. And there are some with 100 people in them. That’s not what I am talking about. The way I lead masterminds, they are small groups of people; five to eight. They cultivate deep relationships, high levels of trust and DEEP DEEP Accountability. When you have a small group of people that are consistently meeting together (weekly), you are going to be known, seen, heard and valued. It is amazing how much everyone is SEEN. This is one of the places when you don’t look like yourself or you are a little “off”… YOUR PEOPLE ARE GOING TO KNOW. And they are going to ask you and listen. This is some powerful stuff! So you’ll be known, seen, heard, and valued, like your wisdom, your insight. Even if someone disagrees with you, you’re going to be valued for who you are for your strengths, for your greatness.
You will be celebrated and you will be challenged to give your greatness to the world. One of the things I love most about my clients, the mastermind environment is (this is a horrible expression, but I’m just going to use it)… It’s not a pissing contest. Okay? It’s not me trying to be better than you and me trying to one up you and somebody trying to like be the most impressive. No, everybody in the group is celebrated. Nobody has an agenda to prove themselves or to, to one up anybody else… I want to celebrate you. You’re going to celebrate me. You’re going to get in an environment where you don’t have to play small because you’ll greatness is challenged because when you get in the right mastermind environment, they’re going to know they’re going to see and know your greatness more than you do because you’ll have resistance and you’ll want to play small to keep those other people comfortable that you’ve had in your life for a long time, that are uncomfortable because of your change in your growth. I’m telling you, you get in the right environment where you are celebrated or when you have a WIN, you don’t have to like downsize your WIN.
And, and if somebody tries to play small, they’ll be challenged, Nope, Nope, you can’t do that because people are counting on your greatness. I just had a client just this past week and she has been out of the mastermind for about eight months… and just before a lot of change in her life. She was coming back, she was almost in tears to be back in the mastermind. I don’t just do this because it is my business… I do this for calls like that. BECAUSE SHE KNOWS! She knows that when she jumps on that call she is no longer isolated… getting back to the group, she knew the strength. She knew it would bring her life!
I’m not promoting masterminds here for me necessarily, but what I am saying is you need that kind of environment. Don’t settle until you find it because it’s key to you bringing your greatness out. I was just talking to somebody else the other day. And he was talking about like, if I wouldn’t have gotten in the group, I don’t think I would have done what I’ve been able to do in the last 12 months. This is going to be true for you. You will go further, faster together with the right kind of people! That’s the big deal about a mastermind!
REMEMBER: You have greatness on the inside of you don’t ever forget it. And someone needs that greatness that is on the inside of you… so go out there and give it to the world!